Who is Thanatos?
He is death, crucifixion, a fetishistic compensation for a de facto absence: True Love is incompatible with art; the more the art the less the love.
Talk about Thanatos.
Thanatos is a matter of Faith.
Are aAs organised around a loss? And is this paranoia or perverse respect?
aAs are leftovers, dialogic remainders.
Created by Johanna Maj Schmidt and Athanasios Anagnostopoulos aka Thanatos, Orthoprotestant was commissioned by Documena and was presented at "Resurrection with Documena" on Easter Day at the Athens Biennale 2017 - Waiting for the Barbarians.
The Reformation of the Orthodox Church never happened. The Reformation, or Protestant Reformation (also: European Reformation) was a schism in Western Christianity initiated by Martin Luther and continued by Huldrych Zwingli, John Calvin and other Protestant Reformers in 16th-century Europe. In collaboration with Johanna Maj Schmidt Commissioned by Documena Athens Biennale 2017 - Waiting for the Barbarians Music Er hält die ganze Welt in seiner Hand Simone Sommerland, Karsten Glück & Die Kita-Frösche Album: Die 30 besten Kirchenlieder für KinderLicensed Kontor New Media Music & Lamp und Leute Ai Geneai Pasai - B epilogi xorion Xristos Santikai Album: Xristos Santikai - Ymnoi Digital Minds Ltd-srav & MelodyMaker |