Clefairy - Clefairaki
Text presented at the Pokemon Poetry Event, Atopos CVC, Athens 2018
Text presented at the Pokemon Poetry Event, Atopos CVC, Athens 2018
-Ο κόσμος τρέχει, δε θέλει την καθυστέρηση.
-Για ν’ αποφύγει το μάτι, το φεγγάρι. Το φεγγάρι, λένε οι παλιές φυλές, είναι σαν ένα μάτι στον ουρανό. Γι αυτό οι πολιτισμοί ένιωθαν μια απειλή και μια δυσφορία και μια ένοχη απόλαυση όποτε το φεγγάρι ήταν γεμάτο. Αυτοί που υπέκυψαν και αγκάλιασαν το άγχος ήταν οι Ιουδαϊκές φυλές· κι έτσι βγήκε ο μονοθεϊσμός κι ο υπερβατικός Νόμος κι η Αγάπη σαν Προφητεία. Από τότε και ύστερα, τα παιδάκια έπαψαν να φοβούνται το φεγγάρι.
- People rush, they dislike delays.
- But why?
- So they can run away from the gaze, the moon. The old tribes have it that the moon is like an eye in the firmament. For this reason civilisations felt somewhat threatened and discontented; and felt a guilty pleasure whenever the moon was full. Those who surrendered and embraced this anxiety were the Judaic tribes; and so monotheism was born. And the transcendental Law, and Love as Prophecy. From then on, all children of this world stopped being scared of the moon.
- People rush, they dislike delays.
- But why?
- So they can run away from the gaze, the moon. The old tribes have it that the moon is like an eye in the firmament. For this reason civilisations felt somewhat threatened and discontented; and felt a guilty pleasure whenever the moon was full. Those who surrendered and embraced this anxiety were the Judaic tribes; and so monotheism was born. And the transcendental Law, and Love as Prophecy. From then on, all children of this world stopped being scared of the moon.
Clefairy .gif by youcrow on, workshop: Queer Ink @ Atopos CVC, Athens, GR